The ENTERPRISE™ Data Acquisition Gateway provides connectivity solutions for SCADA (Supervisory, Control, and Data Acquisition) communication channels. These intermediate units, which are generally positioned between a Master Station FEP and a set of RTUs, connect two communications channels that possess different physical and transport characteristics. As required, these units perform bi-directional protocol translation, data buffering, and routing services. These units also function as intelligent bridges when channel characteristics are similar.

All ENTERPRISE Station Computers are constructed with industrialized versions of the IBM PC and a variety of independent software modules. Aside from the principle Gateway routines, other baseline modules can be integrated to enhance operations, including closed-loop controls, real-time calculations, graphics-based MMI, and client-server interfaces.

An industry standard architecture, coupled with ADC's libraries of advanced SCADA tools, and unquestionably the largest body of 3rd party hardware and software solutions, provides the optimal environment from a development, computing enterprise, ongoing support, and long term evolutionary perspective.








Operating environment (electronics)


Operating power


Communications protocols

These include SCADA protocols (eg Modbus, Conitel, Harris, CDC, ...) as well as data oriented protocols (eg Bi-sync, SDLC, ...). While industry protocols generally provide similar functionality from a data acquisition perspective, two particular message formats may not experience 100% translation/compatibility.


Communication ports



Contact representative to discuss unit requirements and pricing.

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